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intuitive studio

Priyam Agrawal

soft wellness

soft wellness works with the idea of creating an healing environment, in the arms of nature- for humans to focus on inner wellness, i.e their body and mind. It seeks to help craft a space that would serve and nurture the human soul by giving it an opportunity to unlearn & unwind. I believe, the secret about good architecture in such a case that they simply seem to belong there. It is essential to the quality of intervention that any addition to the surrounding should be very sensitive and embrace the context and enter into a meaningful dialogue with the existing situation. I hope to create an experience that dwells on the idea of wellness in its truest form, one that comes from within the soul and thus is eternal.

The Wellness Retreat preserves the qualities of the Alpine Region by converting the abstract idea of a space for wellness into a consciously built, mystical atmosphere. It engages with the human psychology by widening the understanding of healing to embrace everything that surrounds us as an extension of ourselves.

Built typologies are a mix of Permanent and Incremental structures that bind together into a holistic environment that is adaptable to time and individual user preferences. They turn into an experience for users that revokes memories of the retreat.

The intervention takes an approach to stimulate all the senses, to create a holistic immersion for the user, and to create a dialogue between mind, body and the built environment.
